Whoops! My Posts Haven’t Been Going Out!

Image by Solen Feyissa from Pixabay

Dear disappointed subscribers–at least, I hope you’re disappointed:

My abject apologies for the big gap in your receipt of these blog posts. I’ve been writing them all along, as usual, but my e-mail service stopped sending them last July because I’d exceeded my subscriber limit for their free plan. We thought we’d addressed the problem but clearly hadn’t. That’s all I’ll bore you with about the issue, except to say that I shoulda listened to a friend who kept saying, “How come I never get your posts any more?”

Included in the recipients for this post are those of you who subscribed at some point after the limit was reached and who therefore have never received anything via these e-mails. I do hope you’ll stick around, along with all of you who subscribed before the Great Cut-Off. There’s a lot of interesting material here, if I do say so myself.

I’d invite you to scroll back through the blog and take a look at the posts written after July 4, 2024, the last date of a mailing. In the time since then my choir, the Cherry Creek Chorale, has sung a wide variety of music, with our most recent concert having been our biennial Celtic-themed extravaganza earlier this month. You’ll note that some of the posts have an audio version available; more of those will appear as I work my way through the archives. I write mainly about the music I’m actually performing but don’t limit myself exclusively to those pieces. And there are archives going back all the way to October 2013. If you click on the “index” tab on the menu bar you’ll be able to scan the contents without having to scroll through pages of blog excerpts. Every title and composer is listed alphabetically in that section. You might also be interested in the “Store” section of the site, which includes all the books I’ve written, most of which are about major choral masterworks. (The scrolling sidebar on the left of the page is another way to access this material.) You’ll note that my most recent post before this one isn’t about choral music at all but instead about a crime that occurred in January 1999–the murder of a young woman named Hae Min Lee. If you’re at all interested in the true crime genre I hope you’ll take a look at that also.

So thank you for your patience in reading this post. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for posts about music for our upcoming concert in May, which is centered around the theme of California–songs that mention California, or that were written by composers living in California, or that have at least some remote connection to the state. I have to say that the pieces we’re singing are glorious. I can’t wait to dive in, and I hope you feel the same way!


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