- Composers – arranged alphabetically by last name
- Compositions – by first word excluding articles
- Across the Vast Eternal Sky
- Adagio for Strings
- Addams Family
- Adnan Syed
- Agee James
- Agnus Dei
- Ahrens Lynn
- Ain't Got Time to Die
- Ain't No Grave
- Alberti Gregorio
- Al Hanissim
- Alleluia
- allergies
- All Night Vigil
- Amazing Grace
- Anderson Leroy
- Anderson Marian
- Andrews Sisters
- And You Will Sleep
- Angels
- Antonio Vivaldi
- Appalachian Spring
- Arlen Harold
- Arnesen Kim Andre
- Ash Tree The
- As Time Goes By
- Augustine St.
- Autumn Leaves
- Ave Maria
- Ave Maris Stella
- Awakening The
- Away in a Manger
- Bach Johann Sebastian
- Baily Will
- Baker Barbara W.
- Barber Samuel
- Baruch atah adonai
- Basler Paul
- Battle Hymn of the Republic
- Beati quorum via
- Beautiful City
- Beautiful In His Time
- Beauty and the Beast
- Beethoven Ludwig van
- Beethoven Ludwig von
- Bell Carol
- Berlin Irving
- Bernard Felix
- Bernon Amy F.
- Bernstein Leonard
- Biebl Franz
- Biedenbender Philip
- Big Spender
- Birder
- Bitter Withy
- Bizet Georges
- Blake William
- Blue Bird The
- Bogoroditse Devo
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond
- Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
- Boulton Harold
- Boy and a Girl A
- Brahms Johannes
- breath of life
- Bridges Robert
- Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning
- Bright Houston
- Bright Mansions
- Bring Me a Little Water Silvie
- Britten Benjamin
- Brymer Mark
- Burns Robert
- Burton Tim
- By Night
- Cailleach an airgid
- Caldwell Paul
- Cancoines por las Americas
- Candide
- Cantique de Jean Racine
- Carmen
- Carol of the Bells
- Carol of the Birds
- Carousel
- Castenuovo-Tedesco Mario
- Caswell Edward
- Celtic music origins
- Chanukah Song The
- Charles and Diana wedding
- Cheek to Cheek
- Childs David N.
- Ching-A-Ring Chaw
- Choose Something Like a Star
- Choral commissions
- Choral Dances from "Gloriana"
- choral music practice
- Choral Symphony
- Chorus Line A
- Christmas Rose
- Christmas star
- Christus
- Cindy
- Circle of Life
- Civil War
- clausen Rene
- Climb Every Mountain
- Cold December Flies Away
- Coleman Cy
- Coleridge Mary
- Colorado music
- Come In
- Contre Qui Rose
- Copland Aaron
- Coronation Mass
- Countess Kathleen O'Shea
- Courtney Craig
- Coventry Carol
- Crosby Bing
- Danny Boy
- Davis Katherine K.
- death
- debisimons
- Deep Peace
- Deep River
- de la Monnoye Bernard
- Della Joio Norman
- Denver John
- De ton reve trop plain
- Diemer Emma Lou
- Dirait-On
- Disney
- Disney films
- Don't Let the Rain Come Down
- Dona Nobic Pacem from Mass in B Minor
- Don Clinedinst
- Don Clinedinst and the Killing of Hae Min Lee
- Double Double Toil and Trouble
- Down in the Valley
- Do You Hear What I Hear
- do your job
- Dream of a Blessed Spirit
- dreidels
- Duncan Gray
- Dvorak Antonin
- Farrelly Dick
- Faure Gabriel
- Faust
- Ferril Thomas Hornsby
- Festival of Lights
- Fidelio
- Field Eugene
- Fields Dorothy
- Fisher William Arms
- Five Hebrew Love Songs
- Flaherty Stephen
- Forrest Dan
- Foster Stephen
- Four Pastorales
- frankincense and myrrh
- Franklin Aretha
- Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers
- Freed Arthur
- French Christmas carol
- Friendship
- Frostiana
- Frost Robert
- Gadbaw and Krimmel
- Gaelic Blessing
- Garland Judy
- Garrett Jan
- Gawthrop Daniel
- Gershwin George and Ira
- Gesu Bambino
- Get Along Home Cindy Cindy
- Get Happy
- Gibbs Stacey V.
- Girl's Garden A
- Gjeilo Ola
- Glenn Miller
- Glick Srul Irving
- Gloria
- Gloriana Choral Dances
- Glory to God in the Highest
- Gloucestershire Wassail
- God In Disguise A
- Goin' Home'
- Gondoliers The
- Good People All
- Go Tell It on the Mountain
- Grace
- Graham Brendan
- Grand March Aida
- Great Day
- Greensleeves
- Grieg Edvard
- Grimsby Town
- Grotenhuis Dale
- Gullberg Hialmar
- Guthrie Woody
- Guys and Dolls
- Hae Min Lee
- Hagenberg Elaine
- Hagen Jocelyn
- Hag with the Money
- Hail Blessed Morn
- Hairston Jester
- Hall Daniel J.
- Hallelujah
- Hallelujah Chorus
- Halloween history
- Hammerstein Oscar
- Handel George Frideric
- Hang Your Head Over
- Hanukkah Blessings
- Harburg Yip
- Hardesty Brent
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
- Hark I Hear the Harps Eternal
- Harry Potter
- Hawhee Howard
- Haydn Franz Joseph
- Heavens Are Telling The
- Heber Reginald
- Henry VIII
- Here We Come A-Wassailing
- Hickey Ersel
- Hills Are Alive The
- Hodie!
- Hogan Moses
- Holdridge Lee
- Holly and the Ivy The
- Holst Gustav
- Horvit Michael
- How Can I Keep from Singing
- Howe Julia Ward
- Hupfeld Herman
- I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair
- I've Got a Gal in Kalamazoo
- I've Got No Strings
- I Believe in the Sun
- I Dreamed of Rain
- I Dream of Jeanie
- If I Can Sing
- If I Could Fly
- I Got Shoes
- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
- Illuminare
- In Dulci Jubilo
- In Excelsis Deo
- In His Time
- In the Silence
- Irish folk music
- Irish music
- I Saw Three Ships
- Isle of Hope Isle of Tears
- Isle of Innisfree
- It's a Grand Night for Singing
- It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
- Ivory Sean
- I Vow to Thee My Country
- I Was Glad
- I Will Be a Child of Peace
- I Will Pray and Sing
- Lake Isle of Innisfree The
- lambs
- Lamb The
- Land of My Fathers
- Langford Paul
- La Rose Complete
- Larsson Lars-Erik
- latin
- latkes
- La Traviata
- Laugh Sing Rejoice
- Lauridsen Morten
- Lead Belly Huddie Ledbetter
- Lee Hae Min
- Leontovich Mykola
- Les Chansons des Roses
- Les Voici
- Letters from Ireland
- Let the People Praise Thee O God
- Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
- Lewandowski Louis
- Lewis Gwyneth
- Libiamo de' lieti calici
- Lion King The
- Listen to the Lambs
- Litanei
- Little Drummer Boy
- Liturgical
- Lock Lomond
- Loesser Frank
- Lo How a Rose/The Rose
- Lo How a Rose E'er Blooming
- Longfellow Henry Wadsworth
- Lorca Federico Garcia
- Lord of the Dance
- Lowry Robert
- LUX: The Dawn from on High
- Maccabees
- MacLeod Anne Campbell
- Magi
- Magnificat
- Make Our Garden Grow
- Make Them Hear You
- manger
- Manilow Barry
- Man of La Mancha
- Marks Johnny
- Martin J.D.
- Martin Joseph M.
- Mary Wore Three Links of Chain
- Mass Coronation
- Mass for Peace
- Mathias William
- May Robert
- McCreary Bear
- McLean Don
- Medieval mystery plays
- Mendelssohn Felix
- Men of Cornwall
- Men of Harlech
- Menorahs
- Mephistopheles
- Mercer Johnnie
- Mercer Johnny
- Mercury Freddie
- Michael Row Your Boat Ashore
- Migenes Julia
- Miller Ed E.
- minstrel shows
- Miserere mei Deus
- Mission The film
- Molloy James L.
- Monkees The
- Monster Mash
- Moore Annie
- Moore Thomas
- Morel Daniel
- Morricone Ennio
- Morten Lauridsen
- Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
- Muehleisen John
- Murphy Ryan
- Music in the Night
- My God Is Rock
- O'Meara Sean and Frank
- Ocho Kandelikas
- O Fortuna
- Oft in the Stilly Night
- Oh Hush Thee
- O Holy Father
- oil
- Old American Songs
- O Magnum Mysterium
- O My Luve's Like a Red
- On Christmas Night
- On Earth As It Is In Heaven
- On Justice Truth and Peace
- opera choruses
- Oread Farewell
- Orff Carl
- Oró ‘Sé Do Bheatha ‘Bhaile
- Over the Sea to Skye
- Padworski Kevin
- Paich David
- Parker Alice
- Parry Hubert
- Parting Glass
- Pasture The
- Pat-a-Pan
- Paz Octavio
- Peace on earth
- Pearsall Robert
- Pennies from Heaven
- performances
- Personent Hodie
- Phantom of the Opera
- Pierpont James Lord
- Pinocchio
- Plitmann Hila
- Pocahontas
- Polly-Wolly-Doodle
- Porter Cole
- Powell Rosephanye
- Princess Diana
- Prisoners' Chorus
- Promise of Living The
- Psalm 23
- Psalm 139
- Psalm of Life A
- Rachmaninoff Sergei
- Racine Jean
- Radiance
- Ragtime
- Rainsong
- Redding Otis
- Red Rose
- Refuge
- Regney Noel
- Respect
- Resscorla Rick
- Rhythm of Life
- Rilke Rainer Maria
- Riu Riu Chiu
- Road Not Taken The
- Robinovitch Sid
- Rockin' in Jerusalem
- Rockin' Jerusalem
- Rodgers and Hammerstein
- Rodgers Richard
- Romanceros Gitanos
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
- rugby
- Ruht Wohl from St. John Passion
- Russian Orthodox Church
- Rutter John
- Scarborough Fair
- Schiller
- Schubert Franz
- Schule Aroon
- Schumann Robert
- Schwartz Stephen
- Scottish folk songs
- Scott K. Lee
- Seal Lullaby
- Sears Edmund
- See Admid the Winter's Snow
- Seeger Pete
- September Song
- Serenity
- Shakespeare
- shape-note singing
- Shaw Robert
- Shaw Robert Many Moods of Christmas Suite #2
- She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain
- She Moved Through the Fair
- Shenndoah
- shepherds
- Si do Mhaimeoi I
- Silva Chris de
- Silvestri Anthony
- Silvestri Charles Anthony
- Simon & Garfunkel
- Simple Gifts
- Singin' in the Rain
- Sing Sing
- sinuses
- Sit Down You're Rockin' the Boat
- Siúil a Rúin
- Skaggs Molly
- Skye Boat Song
- sleep
- Sleigh Ride
- Smiley Moira
- Smith Dick
- Somewhere Over the Rainbow
- Song for Athene
- Song of Thanksgiving
- Song of the Open Road
- Song of the South
- Son of Maria
- Sound of Music
- Sound of Music The
- South Pacific
- Spiritual
- Spofford Harriet Prescott
- Srikijkarn Gloria
- Stanford Charles V.
- Star in the East
- Starry Starry Night
- State Fair
- Stevenson Robert Louis
- Stewart Rod
- Stopping By Woods
- Storm Is Passing Over The
- Stroope Z. Randall
- Summer Knows The
- Sure on This Shining Night
- Sussex Carol
- Sweet Charity
- Sweetest Music Softly Stealing
- Swifter than Flame
- Take Courage My Soul
- Tavener John
- Taylor Jane
- Teasdale Sara
- Te Deum
- Teir Abhaile Riu
- Telephone The
- Tender Land The
- There Is Faint Music
- There is Nothing Like a Dame
- There Shall a Star from Jacob Come Forth
- The Road Not Taken
- This Land Is Your Land
- Thistle and Rose
- Thomas Andre
- Thompson Randall
- Three Nocturnes
- Three Score and Ten
- Tindley Charles Albert
- Toto
- Toward the Unknown Region
- Tower of the Flock
- Toy Story 2
- Twelve Days of Christmas
- Twelve Gate to the City
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- Wade in de Water
- Walburg Mack
- Walker Gwyneth
- Walking in a Winter Wonderland
- Warner Anna Bartlett
- Warren Martin
- Wassail! Wassail! All over the town
- Wasserman Dale
- Watts Isaac
- We Are Lights
- Webber Andrew Lloyd
- Weber Anthony Lloyd
- Welsh music
- Welsh national anthem
- Wesley Charles
- We Three Kings
- We Wish You a Merry Christmas
- Wexford Carol
- What I Did for Love
- What Shall We Give
- When October Goes
- When She Loved Me
- When You Walk Through a Storm
- Whiskey in the Jar
- Whistle Down the Wind
- Whitacre Eric
- White Christmas
- White Phyllis
- Whitman Walt
- Wilberg Mack
- Wilcox Ella Wheeler
- Wild Rover
- Wilhousky Peter
- Williams John
- Williams Ralph Vaughn
- Winter Wonderland
- Wir Eilen mit schwachen from Cantata 78
- With a Hundred Pipers
- Wizard of Oz
- Work John W. III
- Work John W. Jr.